The Journey

Along the beach above the waves
Smoothed by time
A stone;
Purposeless, I suppose,
No reason I could tell
For stone and me to meet.

Some day hence I too will lie
Worn by time
And weary;
The query now, I suppose,
The answer I think I know:
In life, did purpose meet?

I threw the stone into the sea
Hard and far from whence it came;
In the journey is the purpose;
I wish the stone were me.

15 thoughts on “The Journey

  1. Will. You wrote this for me. I walk on our the beaches of our Inlet and see no purpose. I throw the smooth worn rocks into the salt water and feel they are me awash in my tears. I’ll think of you (as I do) the next time I visit the water and see rocks.

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  2. I took a screen shot to keep in my pocket because this is one I will be re-reading. Something about your pensive stone-and-sea poems really stills and softly speaks to me. I can get discouraged in my own nature poetry, thinking how many times can I write about this sky, but the beauty in your words always inspires me as a writer (after I initially relish them as a reader).

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