Every Autumn Ends in Winter

 To-Be Am Then 
Time permeates me
 in a stream
 rushing, babbling, trickling
 as the case may be
 I inhale you
 You inhale me
 We exhale us
 To Be, Am, Then 
 flow through and out
 a stream of us 
 Autumn is for sowing seed
 for growth that follows winter
 not every winter ends in spring
 but every autumn ends in winter
 I brush through time without a pause
 like rushing fast into the wind
 standing still is just a moment
 for just the barest peek
 to glance into the mirror
 revealed there, split atoms passing,
 my eyes look back at me
 contents of my soul laid bare
 my eyes stare into me
 I walk from the East
 the rising sun climbs high
 summer-borne my steps
 non-stop into the West
 the setting sun draws nigh
 The passing of the years
 has calmed my anxious mind 
 has helped me shed my fears
 made me leave my past behind
 Some days I didn’t care
 some days I hoped I’d win,
 regrets, I’ve had my share
 for things I never did
 Some people made me glad 
 with the joy behind their eyes
 while others made me sad
 with living wasteful lives
 There’s no one left to miss 
 there’s no one to look for
 there are no more lips to kiss
 for, now, I’ve closed that door 
 I can’t help these tears
 my soul is feeling worn
 my heart is in a vise
 pricked deep by time’s sharp thorn
 But you are the exception
 I’ve loved you for so long
 of that there is no question
 flying alone would feel so wrong 
 With every passing day
 in every nighttime dream
 I’m reminded with every breath
 you are the woman of my dreams
 I can’t face eternity
 without you next to me 
 there should be no uncertainty
 Then, Am, To be 
 Someday, I’ll hear your prayed goodbyes
 I’ll smell your sweet perfume
 I’ll feel your kisses on my eyes
 as I fly beyond the moon
 And with my eyes ahead I peek
 Toward that which is to come
 I brush through time
 That rushing wind
 To find that which I seek
 One future may not come
 Now may not occur
 But the past is always present
 In memories that remain
 Then, Am, To be

Image: Copyright David J. Nightingale (djn1@chromasia.com). Downloaded from http://www.duckduckgo.com

23 thoughts on “Every Autumn Ends in Winter

      1. I don’t want to write 😩 so I’d eat anything sweet 😂 I have a cake for tomorrow tho… but it’s only Friday. 🤔Mmm, it’s my free from writing day haha 😆 actually- all days until 19 January lol I’m taking a long Xmas – New Year break

        Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s okay. I’ll get over it. 🙂 It really is a super photo and just perfect for your poem! It’s the kind of photo that makes me think “I wish I knew that person” just like your poem made me feel.

        Liked by 1 person

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